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The Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod

I found out about this book from my friend and ,honestly, at first I didn't want to read it. There was a question in my head - why on Earth I would read something like that? For what purpose? I think many of you get this question reading the title "Miracle Morning" and you know what? We are wrong! This book is genius and you definitely should read it. It's one of my "SHOULD READ ASAP" when someone asks me to recommend a book about self-development and changing life hobbits. 

What you can get in this book: 
  • Reasons why to wake up early in the mornings 
  • Amazing formula for getting up when you need 
  • Formulas on what to do in first hours of morning to change your life 
  • Stories on how people succeeded because of this book 

How this book changed me: 

Before reading this book, my waking up hours were from 9a.m. till 12.p.m which is crazy and I couldn't do almost anything for my dreams and goals. I didn't have time for it. 

After reading this book all that changed. I wake up at 6:30a.m. (I don't need waking up earlier, because I now have too much time for all things I want to achieve).  I got more time for my projects, for self development, for fun and adventures. Plus, I feel more energized now, even though I do take naps at day, because I still unorganized at work and got tired working 4-5 hours in a row without breaks.That's amazing! 

If you decide to get this book and change your life for better, here is a link: 
